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 Contact Information
 Ladner Office & CDSMP
 Survey Research Centre

 Annual Report
 Research Projects

 Chappell Scholarship
   Embrace Aging Month

The Centre on Aging at the University of Victoria is a multidisciplinary research centre established in 1992. Our mandate is to promote and conduct basic and applied research throughout the lifespan.

Research is conducted in partnership with seniors, their families, organizations, health care providers, and the government. The research conducted includes needs assessments and social surveys, experimental research, program evaluations, development of clinical diagnostic tools, and social policy research; some of which is conducted using the Survey Research Centre. To read the Centre on Aging's full mandate, click here.

There are workshops and informal seminars offered throughout the year, as well as courses offered through the University's Division of Continuing Studies. For information about the Centre's activities, please go to our events page.

The Centre on Aging would like to acknowledge the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research for their support through the Research Unit Infrastructure Award.

For the latest news at the Centre, please click here.